This love I wrote of yesterday, and will today, is well-spoken of in the words of the opening photograph, "gentle radiance." This subtle, quiet affection is like a shyness, more present for not trying to be present ~ again, as said yesterday, Love is. This love is comparable to a violin in contrast to a trombone, a whisper in contrast to a shout, a breeze in contrast to gale winds. This love, quiet, subtle, usually unnoticed, almost always under-appreciated. Still, love shines, untouched by not being noticed or being noticed, being not welcomed or being welcomed. To say Love, is to say Light, is to say Grace, and, for many, is to say God. Finally, nothing is left to be said, for love cannot be said, only known Love by Love in a communion ineffable, appearing always, each time unrepeatable, ever-fresh in sharing Itself, and never diminished by the sharing.
when close with Spirit
the intent to love
dissolves in receptivity to love
with no conscious intent to love
one becomes like
a boat being carried downstream
by the current of waters
the boat cannot say, "I took myself downstream"
the boat need no intent or effort to go downstream
the boat is carried along stream by the stream
when this happens to us
this can be called "benevolent indifference"
we neither choose nor do not choose ~
this can be called "living in the Spirit" or
"being led by the Spirit" or
"Buddha Nature"
love becomes Love loving
not an end
not a goal
often this will happen
without conscious awareness
like visiting a heaven
and it dawning on one afterward
for love to happen, to be in this heaven
one knows it in-spirit prior to knowing it in-thought or in-feeling
love always shows up
before one knows love showed up
one is always inside the door, in the House of Love,
before the mind recognizes this
grace is always shining
before one recognizes grace